Wednesday, March 10, 2010

February 28- Assignments

This is how we dream 1 & 2 by Richard Miller
He tells us how we have change with technology. We no long work with books but now we carry our laptops. Sitting down in the library is not any more for just reading a book. You can now go on the web and explore the world. He talks about the pedagogy we use. Teaching with technology is the way the world is headed. We need inspiring teachers with the will to learn as they tech their students.

The Networked Student by Wendy Drexler
I like the simple way the author uses the drawing to bring her point across. The student learning about technology on his own and going further into technology. The 21st century student is technology savvy. But what does he need with a teacher. She is there to help him when he comes upon things that he can tackle. She can also guide him in the right way to use the computer.
Toward a New Future of Whatever By Michael Wesch
This video was informative. How the generations have changed over the years. How technology started with TV and has progressed beyond wonder. It is going to continue to grow beyond wonder. I understood when he used the simpson cartoon with the word "eh" and in 2001 how it changed to "meh". We are change with the times and we have got to keep up with what is going on.
At the end of the video he has people from everywhere display on their hands different saying of "one planet". Some in different languages but all meaning the same.


  1. Not only do we access information in different ways, we also produce information differently. Writing with multimedia is an exciting step forward in our ability to communicate.

    Will you be an instructional guide to the connected student?

    I felt Dr. Wesch was very pessimistic about the future although he tried to be positive in the last 30 seconds of his video. What do you think?

  2. Technology is amazing. We can get more information from the internet than in the classroom. A teacher needs to learn how to teach how to use all the different types of tools there are out there for one to use. I as well, loved the Simpson reference in Mr. Wesch's posting. I really was able to understand what he is saying because he related it to something that I enjoy very much.
